Testimonials I absolutely love it!!
I got a free sample of the Diamond Dazzle Stik in the mail, and I figured I'd give it a try. I absolutely love it!! I can clean my rings while I'm still wearing them, which I like, and it made my stones shine so much. My engagement ring is a sapphire, and I was amazed at how much it sparkled - it really looks like I just took it to the jeweler to be cleaned. The diamonds that sit next to the sapphire looked brilliant, as did the diamonds in my wedding band. This product works well and it's very fast as well - you can easily clean a ring in a minute or less. There is a polymer in the cleaner that fills in any cracks or scrapes in your stone, which helps it reflect light even more. I'm a huge fan, and I will definitely be buying one of these Stiks when mine runs out - which should be about 12 cleanings.
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